Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

APK2 operates in an ethical and responsible manner. We are convinced of the need to conduct our business with due regard for the impact our activities will have on our customers, employees, shareholders, local communities, the environment, and society as a whole. Therefore, APK2 has a Management System which guarantees that this objective is achieved.

Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work

Effective quality management leads to loyal customers, compliance with labour legislation leads to motivated employees, and good environmental quality management leads to a society that benefits from responsible treatment of the environment. Together, all this enables innovation, continuous improvement and sustainable business development. Therefore, APK2 has approved a Management System through which we achieve internal management of our processes, increase customer satisfaction and minimise operational risks in labour and environmental matters. We have certifications in Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (14001) and Health and Safety (ISO 45001), accredited by an independent body, maintaining our standards of quality, environmental management and occupational health and safety to strengthen trust in our brand.

Our commitment to continually improve the effectiveness of our Management System assumes compliance with applicable regulations and other contractual obligations to our stakeholders, i.e. our customers. To do this and to maintain our standards of quality, environmental management, and occupational health and safety, we have approved the following Policies:

* Quality Policy

* Environmental Policy

* Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Energy efficiency and carbon footprint

In line with our commitment to sustainability, it is our resolution to have a carbon neutral footprint by 2023. To do this, our first step was to calculate our carbon footprint and have it verified by a certification body. In November 2020, we obtained the Certification and then registered our Footprint with the Ministry of the Environment.

At APK2 we are firmly committed to minimising the CO2 emissions generated by our activity and, at this time, we are committed to improving our processes, studying and implementing more energy efficient and sustainable installations, planning their maintenance and reducing consumption. We are an environmentally aware organisation and we communicate this to our stakeholders.

ESG Report

* 2023_ESG_Report_Apk2