APK Gestión de Aparcamientos – Health and Safety at Work Policy – Second Edition. Madrid, 24 August 2020. Health and Safety at Work Policy The Management of APK Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.A. (APK2) is committed to the effective protection of the health of employees and, through this policy, undertakes to:
Implement an ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System which is appropriate to our context and integrates the Management of Occupational Risk Prevention into the business strategy. It is periodically reviewed for continuous improvement.
Comply with applicable health and safety legislation and other requirements to which our organisation subscribes in this area, guaranteeing the resources and materials necessary for compliance and keeping the corresponding information available and up to date.
Ensure safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injury and ill-health, eliminate hazards and reduce risks to occupational health and safety, and encourage the participation and consultation of employees and/or their representatives in decision-making processes related to health and safety.
Actively promote awareness and ensure sufficient and appropriate training for each person, in order to provide them with the necessary knowledge for the proper performance of their activity, thus ensuring that they work safely.
Implement practices aimed at the prevention and reduction of risks arising from the activity in order to prevent damage to or deterioration of employees' health.
Identify and evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with our activity, establishing improvement goals consistent with this Policy and with the capabilities of our organisation, seeking that these objectives eliminate, prevent or reduce exposure to occupational risks.
Periodically review this Policy to maintain its alignment with the vision and strategy of the Management and with the needs detected in our social and labour context.
The Management of APK2 implements the necessary measures to make sure that all members of the organisation and external collaborators are aware of and committed to this Policy, ensuring that it is available to any interested party.